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Scorpion FAQ

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Scorpion FAQ Empty Scorpion FAQ

Post by Lioth Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:58 pm

Are you looking for the Emperor Scorpion FAQ?


Q: What is a scorpion?

A: A terrestrial arachnid with lobsterlike pincers and a poisonous sting at the end of its jointed tail, which it can hold curved over the back. Most kinds live in tropical and subtropical areas.

Q: There are a lot of rumors/legends/myths about scorpions being able to 'commit suicide' by stinging them selves to death, is this true?

A: No. Scorpions are immune to their own venom.

Q: Are all scorpions venomous?

A: All scorpions have venom. Scorpion venom has a fearsome reputation, but only about 25 species are known to have venom capable of killing a human being. Some people, possibly including you, might have an allergic reaction with their venom-- which would lead to a very critical condition, and in some extreme cases, death. In general, scorpions should not be bothered or handled.

Q: Can a scorpion's venom be removed from itself?

A: No.

Q: Can a scorpion's telson be removed?

A: Yes. (B-but that would be c-cruel..) It is possible to remove the telson but one has to be careful, it could cut off or damage its anus (not an exaggeration, they defecate in-between the telson and the last metasomal segment).

Q: People told me that I shouldn't keep scorpions as pets because they get out and infest your house, is this right?

A: No. They don't breed that fast, what are the odds of a scorpion from Africa that will find another one of its species in America? Most scorpions will not breed outside of their natural habitat.

Q: How long do scorpions live?

A: Scorpions are unusually long-lived compared to other invertebrates. Most scorpions reach maturity in 1-3 years (some species take longer time), and live for 1-3 years as adults. This means that scorpions can live from 2-6 years, but there are few life span studies. Some species can undoubtly get older (like the slow growing Hadogenes. It is important to note that scorpion growth is dependent on several factors, like temperature, food access, reproduction (mated individuals tends to die younger than virgins), stress etc. Scorpions get older in captivity than in nature. Females live longer than males.

Q: Is it true that the large scorpions are most dangerous?

A: No, this is not true. The largest scorpions of the world are usually quite harmless for humans and use their pincers as defense in stead for the stinger (and venom). Dangerous scorpions are usually less than 10 cm in length (with the exception of a couple of Parabuthus from Southern Africa, which grown more than 10 cm in length.

Q: Where do scorpions live?

A: Scorpions are distributed in tropical and some temperate areas on all continents except Antarctica and New Zealand. In Europe, northern distributied is south of the Alps (but an introduced population of Euscorpius flavicaudis exists in southern England). In North America, scorpions can be found as north as southwestern Canada. Scorpions are occationally found outside their natural areas, but these are introductions resulting from scorpions traveling as stowaways in luggage, transports of merchandises etc.

Q: How do I find scorpions?

A: Most scorpions are nocturnal and will hide during the day. Some species will hide under stones and other suitable objects on the ground. Others will hide in cracks and crevices in rock, trees, houses etc. Some species prefer hiding under bark of old and dead trees. Finally, many species make own burrows in the substrate.

Scorpions can be found by turning stones and other objects that the scorpion will use to hide during the day. It is important to always look before you put your fingers any place. Also, always turn the stone against you (the opening away from you) in case there is an angry snake under the stone. Look under and inside old logs, under bark etc. Finding species hiding in cracks and crevices and in burrows during the day is very difficult. Scorpions can be found in the dark by using a flashlight with a UV bulb/LED (blacklight). This because scorpions fluorescence when illuminated with UV light (Picture). Scorpions can be seen from meters away as glowing, greenish ghosts in the dark, and easily caught by using a forceps. The best time will be 2-3 hours after dark, and with no moon. Using a UV flashlight is far the best way to find scorpions. The link section has a list of suppliers of UV-flashlights that can be used for scorpion hunting.

Q: How can I tell if a scorpion is dangerous?

A: Firstly, you should never touch an unknown scorpion, and scorpions found in nature are best left alone. A general rule of thumb can be used to tell the dangerous scorpions from harmless species. Scorpions with large powerful claws are mostly harmless (important exception: Hemiscorpius lepturus), while species with thin, slender claws might be dangerous. Please note that a lot of species with slender claws are harmless too, but you need experience to separate the dangerous ones from the harmless. So it is best to regard species with slender claws as potential harmful. I personally believe that fat tailed scorpions have strong venom.

Q: Lastly, are scorpions edible?

A: Surprisingly yes. In Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, roasted scorpion is a food eaten by many. Its ancestry makes it taste much like a prawn. [eg. the "scorpion sucker"]

Scorpion FAQ Flgdb5

These harmless California scorpions are encased in a delicious candy coating. According to the listing, scorpions, which are technically arachnids, not insects, are a major food source in many parts of the world.

So sucking on a scorpion lollipop shouldn't gross you out. No, not at all.

Last edited by Lioth on Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:32 am; edited 2 times in total

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Scorpion FAQ Empty Re: Scorpion FAQ

Post by Kumo Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:27 am

Last part's funny. Razz
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Age : 29
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Status : Emp scorps still fine, but not enough time for hobby nowadays

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