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Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp.

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Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp. Empty Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp.

Post by volfgang Sat May 25, 2013 4:11 am

I think that the determination of gender equality Euscorpius ends by looking thick barbs over the tail. By me down female, male above. In males the sting visibly thicker than the tail. scratch

Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp. Polcmv

Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp. 2062017681


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Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp. Empty Re: Determine the gender of Euscorpius spp.

Post by volfgang Sat May 25, 2013 7:20 am

I'm sorry, I put a post in the wrong place Rolling Eyes

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